Monday, March 16, 2009

Back Home

Well I'm back home and it has taken me about three weeks to recover from the long six weeks
on the road.

I finally got my camera out for the first time since I got back to Cleveland. There is really not much
I want to shoot right now but I thought I would take a ride west to Sandusky, Ohio at the suggestion of my friend Kathrine Morabito(she's a Vet), who told me about the nesting Bald
Eagles there. I am not a very good wildlife photographer but I thought I would give it a shot.

What do you think.


  1. And just how do you get an Eagle to pose for you? Great shots!!

  2. Awesome photos... did you go to Magee Marsh or Old Woman Creek?

  3. One more thing....I know what a letdown it can be when you come back from an awesome totally different environ than here and you don't feel like picking up your camera, but there is beauty here as I know you know and we just have to readjust and refocus and it looks like you did that!

  4. Hi Gary - Have you been back out to take Eagle shots this year?
    Is this at Old Woman Creek or Magee Marsh??
    How are you-we've been playing phone tag and never got to talk.
    Dr. Morabito's name sounds really familiar. Is she reknowned for anything specific? Terri
